Page 79 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 79

Dried fruits

           Dried Apricots                                                                                           Samsun E-Magazine Samsun E-Magazine

           are generally consumed as
           refreshment together with walnuts.
           You can get rid of bloating thanks
           to the ability of dried apricots to
           stimulate the intestines. It supports
           the digestive system with its
           abundant fiber content. It is rich in
           vitamin A. You can consume dried
           apricots, which are also high in iron, in
           a controlled manner if you have iron
           deficiency.                                                      Dried Mulberry
                                                                            is a food that is good for digestive
                                                                            problems. It is a frequently
                                                                            preferred and loved food, but;
                                                                            since it has a high sugar content, it
                                                                            should be consumed carefully.
                                            Dried Apples

                                            are known to be good for the
                                            stomach, just like fresh apples.
                                            As it is known, apple is a fruit
                                            that is frequently consumed as
                                            refreshment by those who prefer
                                            a healthy diet. Dried apple is also
                                            a widely preferred dried fruit.
                                            It especially affects skin health

           Dried Figs
           are a food that strengthens the                              We talked about dried fruits but; the fruits
                                                                        themselves are also frequently consumed
           immune system and contains many                              as refreshment. Since some fruits are
           vitamins. It has a high fiber content.                       high in sugar, there is a possibility that
           The reason why it is frequently                              they may suddenly increase blood sugar.
           consumed as refreshment is that                              It is recommended to consume some
           it makes you feel full for a certain                         fruits a certain hour before or after
           period of time. It may cause                                 meals. We should take into account
           accelerated bowel movements.                                 the recommended time when eating
           It helps to remove toxins.
                                                                        these fruits. You can determine your
                                                                        refreshments by consulting a specialist
                                                                        dietitian, so you can have a more
                                                                        conscious diet.

                                                                        Not: When consuming such foods,
                                                                        do not forget to pay attention to the
                                                                        portion size and consult your doctor.     79
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