Page 81 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 81

Samsun E-Magazine

                                          I have tried to express

                                             myself through my

                                          works, and I intend to

                                           express myself in the

                                            same way as long as

                                             Allah gives me life.

           each of us, such as facial        distinguishes us.                  their experiences, subjects
           features, fingerprints,           Our emotions are another           of interest, the society they
           and DNA characteristics,          important feature that             live in, their tendencies,
           are absolutely different,         makes us different from            and cultural structure,
           and these characteristics         other people. Another              and perhaps emerge as
           distinguish us with sharp         distinguishing feature is          different layers built on the
           lines. Besides this, there is     our "Fate...". Our fate line is    same foundation at every
           the matter of intelligence        perhaps our most important         stage of life. My life, which
           and logic, which is one of the    feature that reveals our           has been shaped within
           main distinguishing features      differences by kneading all        the framework of all these
           of human beings. Each of          our inherent characteristics       factors, my experiences and
           us has a different type and       in life and enables us to be a     my writings have shown me
           level of intelligence and         "different individual".            that the best way is for a
           each of our mental faculties      A human being becomes              person to express himself in
           work differently. We can also     an "Individual" with his           the medium formed in line
           evaluate the issue of abilities   distinctive features in            with the distinctive individual
           in this context, within the       addition to these common           characteristics and line of
           scope of this feature, we         features. In this context, we      fate that Allah has given to
           can say that the passions,        can define each person's           man. For this reason, as a
           inclinations and skills of        specialness as "Each person's      writer, I have tried to express
           each of us are developed          individual characteristics are     myself through my works
           and shaped separately, and        different". These individual       from the beginning, and I
           we can say that abilities         characteristics are processed      intend to express myself in
           are another feature that          with many factors such as          the same way as long as Allah     81
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