Page 76 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 76

Healthy Snacks



           Can you imagine not having a snack during the       Nuts are the saviors of refreshments... When we
           lunch break of a busy day or on your free days      say nuts, the first thing that comes to our mind
           when you don't know what to do?                     may be hazelnuts and peanuts. However, nuts, of
                                                               which there are many more, have a very important
           We consume many foods in the form of main           place in our lives.
           meals and refreshments during the day. Most of
           these foods we consume cause us to feel hungry      There are also points to consider regarding nuts.
           in a short time due to some ingredients and         The first of these; nuts to be consumed should be
           nutritional values of these foods. That's why we    purchased from a reliable seller. Because nuts that
           constantly feel the need to eat something.          are not stored under appropriate conditions by
                                                               sellers may negatively affect our health.
           At this point, healthy snacks come to our rescue.
           Proper consumption of these foods, which both       We would also like to point out that nuts that are
           satisfy our hunger and are low in calories, is also   raw rather than processed are healthier. Raw nuts
           important.                                          have fewer calories and are more beneficial to
           Healthy snacks, especially eaten as refreshment,
           are generally foods consumed quickly. That's        Another important point is the amount of
           why snacks are preferred. However, we should        consumption. Although nut consumption is
           not exceed the amount our body needs in these       recommended as "a handful a day"; consumption
           snacks.                                             amount varies from person to person. Another
                                                               point that should not be forgotten is; eating more
           You may also need something to eat to satisfy       nuts than necessary causes weight gain and can
           your hunger in your daily life, while in the office or   negatively affect our health.
           outside. At this point; It would be good to focus on
           healthy snacks and make it a habit to eat healthy   Watch out for allergies! You may be allergic to
           snacks.                                             nuts. Allergies to dry foods can cause very serious

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