Page 78 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 78

Healthy Snacks  Nuts

           is one of the important foods for our
           country. It is known that hazelnut
           production is widespread in the
           Black Sea Region. Hazelnuts contain
           plenty of fibre, vitamins and minerals.
           Hazelnuts are nuts that we should
           consume because they contain
           significant amounts of calcium,
           potassium and iron. However,
           it should not be forgotten that
           consuming raw hazelnuts instead of
           roasted is much healthier. Hazelnuts
           help protect heart health, especially               Peanuts
           when consumed in the right amount.                  are a widely consumed and popular
                                                               nut. However, it is one of the nuts
                     Walnuts                                   that is likely to cause allergies;

                     resemble our brains in shape. The         therefore it should be consumed
                     most well-known benefit of walnuts is     with caution. It is known that the
                     that they strengthen memory. Walnuts,     inner shell of peanuts, which contain
                     which contain many vitamins and           many vitamins and minerals, is also
                     minerals, are very rich in Omega-3        beneficial. It is healthier to consume
                     and vitamin E. Walnuts, which are a       it raw.
                     complete protein source, also contain
                     plenty of vitamin B6, potassium           Cashew Nuts
                     and iron. Walnuts can help regulate       it is a nut that is not preferred among
                     cholesterol when consumed in the          nuts. Even small amounts of cashew
                     right amount. It is also known to be      nuts provide many benefits. As its
                     beneficial for bone health.               popularity has increased in recent

                                                               years, its benefits have become more
                                                               prominent. Cashew nuts, which contain
           Almond                                              many minerals and vitamins, are a
                                                               high source of iron and zinc. It is said
           s a nut that is very delicious when                 that it acts as a natural antidepressant
           consumed raw. It contains high                      when consumed regularly. The most
           amounts of fibre. Almonds, which                    important point to note about cashew
           are digestive friendly, will help your              nuts is that they cause a lot of weight
           intestines move. It has high satiety                gain when eaten more than necessary.
           properties. You can eat it when you
           are hungry during the day, provided
           that you do not exceed the amount. It
           is also beneficial for bone health due
           to its high magnesium and calcium
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