Page 82 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 82

This Event Became Turning Point of My Life  gives me life.   in their imagination. The   common point of my
           Of course, it should also be
                                             negative evaluation of this
                                                                                The most important
           said that the most difficult
                                             incompatibility by the readers
           genre in cinema adaptations
                                             of the novel usually brings
           is novel adaptations. The
                                             failure. In the same way, the
                                                                                  novels is that they
           reason is that the characters
                                             reader shapes the author in
                                                                                  all bear the traces
           described in the novel,
                                             his own mind in line with the
           from their physical features
                                             works in which he reveals
                                                                                   of my "search for
           to their mental state, are
           actually portrayed separately
                                             thought in detail. For this
           in the eyes of each reader        his view of life and world of        the absolute truth"
                                             reason, I think it would be
           in line with their individual     unfair to the reader who
           characteristics, and it is        visualises the author in line      You write about many
           not possible for those            with his works to describe         different topics and
           who read the novel to fully       him. Let the reader evaluate       events in your novels. We
           match the actor portraying        me based on my works, how          also think that there is
           that character in the             he formed me in his mind,          something you want to tell
           cinema with the character         where he put me in his life...

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