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readers through the novels Çiçekler Susayınca” (When biggest source of inspiration
you write. Do the novels the Flowers Are Thirsty), while writing my works.
you write have anything in “Boşluk” (The Void)... Do The greatest person I am
common? you have a novel that has a inspired by is Muhammad, Samsun E-Magazine
special place in your mind? the Messenger of Allah
As a writer searching for (SAW). These two are my
the absolute truth, the most It is not possible for an source of inspiration, my
important common point author to make a distinction motivation, my elixir of life
of my novels is that they all between his works and and my meaning. The sub-
bear the traces of my efforts to prioritize one or more inspirations of the stories
to "search for the absolute of them over the others. that I bring to the reader
truth". In addition, my However, if you ask me to by melting these two main
intention to leave good things make a distinction, my first sources of inspiration are;
behind is one of the common work "Çiçekler Susayınca" What I see, what I hear, what
points of my works. It would (When Flowers are Thirsty), I live and what I experience is
not be a lie if I say that one which was published as life itself.
of my greatest motivations a series of articles in the
while preparing my works newspaper, and my work What does writing mean
is Necip Fazıl's those lines "Yanık Buğdaylar (Burnt to you? What would your
"Am I going to die, just in my Wheat), which was published reaction be if you were told
age to speak, the longing as my first book, are special that you would never be
of the sentence I have not for me because they were the able to write again?
yet spoken is on my lips...". first.
Perhaps the most important No one except Allah can say
of the common points is that I will never be able to
this, the lines "I long for the These two are my write again. As long as Allah
sentence I haven't said yet on inspiration, my gives the strength to work,
my lips" are the reason why I the pen will work. Whatever
don't isolate myself from this motivation, my Allah commands, happens.
world. On the other hand, life elixir and my My reaction to Allah’s
the common main purpose meaning. commands, like all living
of my works and one of the things, is "An unconditional
common points in my novels Many novels, many lives, and unquestioning
is that my works present many events... Is there acceptance with no
decent, virtuous role models anyone or anything that alternative..."
which protect the values in inspired you while writing
front of the society, especially your novels? Many young people dream
the new generation. of becoming a writer and
"The Quran", which do not know which path
I can briefly say that these falls within the scope of to follow. Do you have any
are the important common "anything" in your question, advice for young people
points in my embodied but means "Everything" to who want to become
works... me and which I can never writers?
compare with anything else
You have written many and can never be evaluated Imagination is a treasure
memorable novels such in the same category, is my of the writer; without it, it
as "Sitem” (Reproach), " is not possible to embark 83