Page 84 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 84

This Event Became Turning Point of My Life  on the journey of creating   get?", "I wonder if I have any   In the morning, everyone
           a work. Dreaming before
                                             mistakes, will the reader
                                                                                took turns reciting the poem
           becoming a writer can only
                                                                                told to them from the book.
                                             notice my flaws?" I had the
           be a paving stone on the path
                                                                                I read the poem that I both
                                             excitement of questions like
           to becoming a writer, and
                                             these... Allah, the infinitely
                                                                                wrote and memorized. The
           it does not mean anything
                                                                                teacher liked the poem I
                                             powerful, did not let me
           on its own. If a person can
                                                                                wrote very much. "Who is
                                             down... My first novel to be
           dream of becoming a writer,
                                             published as a book is "Yanık
                                                                                the poet of this poem, from
           he should turn this dream
           into a goal rather than an
                                                                                he asked me. When I said "I
                                             picked up Yanık Buğdaylar as
           enthusiasm. Because you           Buğdaylar"... When I first         which book did you take it?"
                                                                                wrote it...", he got angry and
                                             a book, I was like a baby born
           cannot become a writer by         at that age... Thanks to this      slapped me. No matter what I
           dreaming. You become a            book, I felt like I was reborn...   said, I could not convince my
           writer by improving your                                             teacher that I wrote the poem
           writing ability, studying,        Is there a moment or event         myself. I was so distressed by
           striving, observing,              that you consider a turning        this experience that I decided
           researching and gaining style.    point in your life?                to leave the village and settle

                                                                                in Ankara. The first turning
                                             There was nothing that I           point in my life was when I
              It was like being              experienced as an instant          wrote a beautiful poem that
                    reborn...                turning point… There are           surprised my teacher and
                                             many events that I can
                                                                                he did not believe that the
                                             consider as turning points.        poem belonged to me and
           The excitement of firsts is
           undoubtedly unique. How           If you ask me to name one          he thought I was lying and
           did you feel when your first      of these, I can briefly tell you   punished me.
           novel was published?              about the first one.
                                                                                What does Ahmed Günbay
                                             I was 9 years old... I was         YILDIZ do in his daily life?
           My first novel adventure
           developed a little differently.   living in the village and          For example, what is your
           My first novel, "Çiçekler         studying in primary school...      routine day like?
           Susayınca", met with the          It was a public holiday... The
           readers by being published        teacher told us to memorize        On a typical day, all my
           as a series of articles in the    a poem and come and read           routines are like everyone
           newspaper. It was my first        it at school on the national       else's. I don’t consider writing
           meeting with the reader, it       holiday. There wasn't a            as a boring routine. Because
           was very exciting for me.         poetry book at home... The         every fiction I make, every
           Most of my excitement             teacher shared the poems           event I tell, every sentence I
           was occupied by questions         in the coursebook with the         write and even every word
           starting with "I wonder"          other students and there           I use are special moments
           questions such as: "I wonder      was not a poem left for me.        that take me out of the
           if I will be able to achieve my   It's a child's instinct, I had a   routine and into the world
           goal?", "I wonder how the         desire to read a poem. When        of the work I have done for
           reader will react?", "I wonder    I got home, I pushed myself        that moment and carry me
           if my novel will be gripping      so much that, as a solution,       on the path of my ideal. This
           for the reader?", "I wonder       I wrote my first poem and          way, making every moment
           what kind of reactions it will    memorized it.                      feel special is my source
     84                                                                         of energy. If I would have
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