Page 89 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 89

Grow and Care for                 Another important point is         otherwise your flower will

           Hyacinth                          the frequency of watering the      rot. You need to pour the           Samsun E-Magazine Samsun E-Magazine
                                             hyacinth flower. You should
                                                                                water evenly onto the soil.
                                                                                Another point is the choice of
                                             water it twice a week. The
 hyacinth  Hyacinth is a type of flower      water should be at room            pot: Check whether the pot is
                                                                                suitable for the development
                                             temperature. You should
           that indirectly benefits from
                                             water it so that there is no
                                                                                of the flower, because it is a
           sunlight. You should be
                                                                                flower with growing roots. As
                                             dry place in the soil. Water
           careful not to expose it to
                                                                                the flower grows, transfer the
                                             adequately, neither too much
           direct sunlight. It grows more
           easily in a semi-shaded area.
                                             much water, be
           It should be protected from       nor too little. If you give too    flower to a larger pot.
           the wind. It should be left at    sure to drain                               Since hyacinth
           a constant temperature on         the water                                    flower is a flower
           your balcony or inside your       from the                                       that you can
           house. It needs a slightly        bottom                                         get in every
           moist and humus soil. You         of the                                          season, you
           can use mixed and mineral         pot,                                            can buy it and
           soil.                                                                             start growing it

                                                                            The flower

                                                                            of eternal


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