Page 93 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 93

When it comes to "Public          has existed for four and           Animal lovers are aware of
           Health", the strong               a half billion years should        this situation and do their
           connection between                come together in the concept       best to be beneficial to stray
           animal products used and          of "United Health" and be          animals. This sensitivity of        Samsun E-Magazine
           antimicrobial resistance is a     beneficial to the ecosystem        animal lovers is truly hopeful.
           negativity that is gradually      that all living things benefit     As a veterinarian who strives
           increasing in our country         from.                              to provide animal health
            and all over the world.          We, clinician veterinarians,       and good living conditions
              Therefore, veterinary          also work for the health of        to animals, public health; I
                 public health, food         pets and improve day by day.       believe it is connected to cats
                    safety and human         Our most important issue in        and dogs, especially stray
                       medicine should       the mentioned ecosystem is         animals that are ignored
                       once again            our bleeding wound; They           because they have to live in
           come together towards             are stray animals. Stray           poor environments.
                a common solution.           animals are very important
                      Another important      to us. As you know, the
                         common              animal population and the
                          denominator        number of animal lovers
                          is disaster        have increased significantly
                      situations, as well    in recent years. While there
                as ensuring consensus        are many pets that are cared
           to ensure that human              for under good conditions,
           health, animal health and         there are also pets that are
           agricultural activities can be    abandoned and live on the
           continued in a healthy and        sidewalks and streets. It is
           orderly manner. In summary;       necessary to approach the
           All living things living in       problem of stray animals
           harmony in the world that         rationally and take action.

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