Page 96 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 96

Ways Animals Say 'I Love You' to Us  Ways Animals Say

                                 'I Love You'

                                              to Us

           Show that they love their owners in more than one way. If your
           dog comes to you, leans on you and hugs you; It is one of the
           clearest signs that he loves you. Apart from this, they may
           also do other things as a sign of love that you may find
           difficult to understand. For example; They can look into
                                                               For example, dogs
           your eyes, let you touch their head, and wag their tail. Your
           dog looks at you with a smile, wants to sleep next to you,
           and doesn't leave your side when you are sick; It is their
           way of showing that they love you most deeply.

           Dogs are very sensitive animals and they will
           make an effort to show that they love you.
           Showing that you love them too will be
           the best response for them.

                                      The behaviour of birds showing their love can be understood quite
                                          easily. If it approaches the wires of the cage and makes noises
                                             when it sees you, it loves you. If it avoids you and at the same
                                               time makes a lot of disturbing noises, it is afraid of you. The
                                                fact that it easily lands on your shoulder or hand when it is
                                                 taken out of the cage is also an indication of its love for you.
                     Next are the birds

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