Page 94 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 94

Veterinary Medicine & Public Health  The care of stray animals   better conditions. With   that protecting public
           is given priority to prevent
                                             this awareness we created
                                                                                health is related to the care
                                             and with the adoption of
           zoonotic diseases. Zoonotic
                                                                                of these lovely members
                                             our friends on the street;
           diseases are diseases that
                                                                                of our society who are
           can be transmitted from
                                             We prevent the population
                                                                                often overlooked. In this
           animals to humans. Stray
                                             of these animals from
                                                                                harmonious balance, we
           animals are more vulnerable
           to such diseases because
                                                                                diseases and enrich our
                                             also have a positive impact
           they live in unhealthy            increasing. Stray animals can      both protect ourselves from
                                                                                lives with spiritual values
                                             on society mentally. Research
           conditions. By meeting the        shows that interacting with        such as compassion and
           health needs of stray animals;    animals can reduce stress,         empathy that we learn by
           As veterinarians, we create       anxiety, and depression. We        taking care of these
           a protective shield against       aim to improve the mental          animals.
           diseases that can seriously       health of individuals in
           threaten public health, such      society by taking care of stray
           as rabies, leptospirosis          animals and encouraging
           and toxoplasmosis. Street         responsible behavior towards
           animals; It acts as a reservoir   stray animals. Caring for stray
           for parasites such as fleas,      animals improves the sense
           ticks and mosquitoes. These       of compassion and empathy
           parasites transmit diseases to    in society and teaches us to
           humans. Paying attention to       be more sensitive towards
           the care of stray animals can     defenseless animals living
           prevent the spread of these       in difficult conditions. This
           parasites and reduce the risk     empathy we gain by being
           of vector-borne diseases in       sensitive to animals is also
           society.                          reflected in our interactions
                                             with people and creates a
                                             more compassionate society.
            Studies have shown               At the intersection of

           that interacting with             veterinary medicine and
            animals can reduce               public health, improving the
                                             living conditions of stray
            stress, anxiety, and             animals is very important.

                  depression.                Prioritizing the health and
                                             living conditions of stray
                                             animals; We strengthen
           The issue of caring for stray     our community's defenses
           animals; It is an excellent       against zoonotic diseases,
           opportunity to educate the        promote responsible pet
           public about responsible          ownership, and cultivate
           pet ownership, spay/neuter        a compassionate and
           and vaccinations. By raising      empathetic society.
           awareness for stray animals
           and focusing on this issue,       As a veterinarian who is
           we enable animal lovers           sensitive to the problems
           to care for their pets in
     94                                      of stray animals, I believe
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