Page 97 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 97

You may be thinking that cats don't like anyone. If so, you are wrong. Because cats also love their
           owners and want to show their love by exhibiting some behaviours.

                                                  The most common thing that shows that cats love their             Samsun E-Magazine Samsun E-Magazine
                                                   owners is their purring. You can hear this purr, which
                                                   resembles the sound of a running engine, especially when
                                                   petting your cat.

                                                        So… Does your cat ever wink at you? The clearest
                                                          way for cats to say "I love you" to their owners is
                                                             to wink at their owners.

                                                                  Cats don't let you pet them, touch them, or
                                                                  be around them unless they want to. If a
                                                                  cat comes to you of its own accord, wants
                                                                  to touch you and licks you, this shows that
                                                                  it loves you.

                                            Now let's talk about cats

                                                                  Let's not forget the fish

           The way fish show their love is more
           ambiguous and harder to understand than
           other animals. But we must remember that
           they have feelings too. How fish show their
           love is still a matter of research.

           As you can understand from our article, just as we love animals, they love us and show it to us
           in their own way. Let us appreciate every being and every living thing in our lives. Let us love
           animals. Let our love multiply as we share it.
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