Page 92 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 92

Veterinary Medicine & Public Health  Veterinary Medicine

           & Public Health

           Nowadays, almost every            Zoonotic Infections and
           family has a pet. In this world   Infestations, especially rabies.
           where we live together with       The three main components
           animals, while trying to          of the “United Health”
           offer a comfortable life to       concept are human, animal
           animals, we understand the        and ecosystem health. 75%
           importance of Veterinary          of new or renewed infections
           Medicine a little more and        and infestations in our world
           reconcile it with Human           are caused by animals or
           Health and get a little           animal products. Issues to         carried out jointly by human
           closer to the concept of          be taken into consideration        medicine and veterinary
           "United Health Service            in this process: Protective        medicine come first. In the
           ". Veterinarians play an          measures (vaccination in           process of these awareness-
           important role both in field      pets, farm animals and             raising activities, emphasis
           studies and in preventive         wildlife), control studies, and    should be placed on animal
           medicine against many             social awareness studies           breeding and animal care
                                                                                to be carried out within the
                                                                                scope of antiparasitic control
                                                                                and vaccination controls and
           All living creatures                                                 to ensure that they do not
                                                                                constitute a situation that
           living in harmony                                                    could harm health.

           in the world that

           has existed for four

           and a half billion
           years should come

           together under the

           concept of United

           Health Service

            Eren Can İnanlı
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