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male breast cancers are            ensure that our patients get
                                             more ignored. Due to its low       accurate information, pay
            A woman's lifetime               frequency and perhaps less         attention to whether there          Samsun E-Magazine
 Breast Cancer   chance of developing        awareness, it results in the       are any changes when they

                                                                                examine their own breasts,
                                             detection of the disease in
               breast cancer is
                                             more advanced stages, which
                                                                                notice a palpable mass in
                 around 12%.
                                                                                case of persistent changes,
                                             is why the success rates
 Big Risk for   How common is breast         are low. When diagnosed            or changes in the skin of the
                                                                                breast, symmetry difference
                                             at more advanced stages, it
                                                                                between both breasts,
                                             may lead to more negative
           cancer in our country?
                                             consequences. It would be
                                                                                especially pay attention to
           What is the situation
 Men Too!  compared to the world?            appropriate to emphasize           the nipple, which is very
                                             that there is a greater
                                                                                obvious. Differences that can
                                             relationship with genetically
                                                                                be detected, crusty wounds,
           Breast cancer occurs in 1 in
                                                                                rashes, bloody discharge
                                             transmitted familial breast
           8 women in the world. If we
           give this as a percentage, a
                                                                                spontaneous discharge are
                                             breast cancers.
           woman's lifetime probability      cancers, especially in male        from the nipple or other
           of developing breast cancer                                          findings that should be taken
           is around 12%. Similar rates      What are the symptoms?             into consideration.
           apply in our country. When        How often should checks
           we look at the data of the        be made and what should            Of course, we recommend
                 Ministry of Health,         be paid attention to?              that people check themselves
                 breast cancer ranks                                            not only in the breast area
                 first among women's         In order to be especially          but also in the armpit
                 cancers. Unlike the         conscious about this issue,        area to see if there is any
                 rest of the world, we       it is necessary to have very       change or a palpable mass.
                 can see breast cancer       good knowledge at this             Specifically, pain alone is not
                  more frequently in         point: "Which complaints           a symptom of a palpable
                  younger patients in        and findings should we             mass; cooperation with the
                   our country and in        suspect of breast cancer?"         physician regarding any
                   Asia. In this sense,      Especially at the fertile          possible changes will be
                   more detailed             age, at the beginning of           beneficial in order to reach
                   research needs to be      the menstrual period, and          an early diagnosis in case of a
                  done.                      during adolescence, some           possible disease.
                                             physiological changes may
               What is the incidence         occur in the breast due to         We all know the
             of breast cancer in men?        hormonal changes, which            importance of early
                                             are not directly related to        diagnosis, but does it have
           Men can also get breast           the disease. Therefore, it         a special importance for
           cancer. We can also see           is important to be able to         breast cancer?
           breast cancer in 1% of men.       distinguish which may be a
             In this sense, we always        sign of disease and which          Early diagnosis is even
              emphasize this issue           may be due to normal               more vital in breast cancer.
              when we come together          monthly changes.                   Because we know that when
              in awareness activities                                           diagnosed early, there is a
              and meetings. Especially       In this regard, we should          success rate of up to 98% in
                                             consult with physicians to         treatment.                        99
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