Page 103 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
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radiologists and pathologists     change our genetic heritage.       breast cancer? What can
           before the surgical treatment     There is a 12% lifetime risk of    we do to raise awareness?
           plan; The patient needs           breast cancer for everyone.
           to receive appropriate            However, it is extremely           The level of knowledge and          Samsun E-Magazine
           treatments according to the       important to have a healthy        awareness of the society
           stage, followed by supportive     diet, not taking external          in this regard is important.
           treatments and oncology           hormone supplements,               It may be possible for
           treatments. Therefore, while      regular sleep, a low-fat diet,     awareness messages to reach
           making all these decisions,       plenty of fresh fruits and         broader audiences through
           we proceed by determining         vegetables, a vitamin-rich         the media.
           what kind of road map we          diet, regular exercise, weight     Important points to know:
           will create together with         control, and avoiding obesity.     It would be appropriate
           our diagnosed patients in         In short, it is possible to        to emphasize that breast
           a multidisciplinary manner        protect against breast cancer      cancer can be seen not only
           and deciding which is the         by reducing the risk with ideal    in the elderly but also in
           most ideal for the patient.       weight and ideal lifestyle.        young people and men. In
           At this point in treatment,                                          summary, it is necessary to
           interdisciplinary cooperation                                        obtain accurate information
           is extremely important. Our                                          such as what is the risk for
           diagnosis rates, treatment         The biggest obstacle              breast cancer, what should
           rates and success rates are            is the fear that              we do when there is a risk,
           quite high in our country.           people live inside.             what is the suspicious finding,
           In the current treatment                                             what should we do when it
           of breast cancer, we aim                                             occurs or what should be the
           to protect the breast and         Why do people afraid to go         right step after diagnosis,
           achieve quality life with early   to the doctor? What would          and to convey the correct
           diagnosis.                        you like to say about this?        information to the society
                                                                                through awareness activities.
           We know that breast-              In fact, the biggest obstacle to
           conserving surgery is             treatment success here is the      Lastly, is there anything
           performed at a rate of 70-        fear that people experience.       you would like to add?
           80% in our country. The           There is a truth and it is not
           awareness of the society          easy to face it. It's not easy     Early diagnosis is very
           about breast cancer and           to receive a cancer diagnosis      important. Early diagnosis
           early diagnosis, the screening    when you have ongoing              saves lives. Don't let fear
           programs carried out by the       plans in your life. When           prevent early diagnosis.
           Ministry of Health and the        there are important findings       Let's increase the chances of
           active work of Cancer Early       that remind of the risk of         success together and provide
           Diagnosis Screening Centers       breast cancer, patients hold       a healthy life by reaching
           (KETEM) are important             back more for fear of being        early diagnosis in the fight
           advantages for our country.       diagnosed. Therefore, the          against breast cancer.
                                             most important obstacle to

           What can we do to reduce          treatment success is fear and      I would like to thank you for
           the risk of developing            avoiding facing the diagnosis.     giving me the opportunity to
           breast cancer?                                                       explain this important issue
                                             Do you think there is              once again and for bringing it

           Unfortunately, we cannot          awareness in society about         to the agenda.                   103
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