Page 107 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 107

period is the weakening of        who take their place in the        managing his business in
           the central authority in the      important pages of Samsun          Canik. Drawing attention
           country's administration, and     history? What are their            with his astute management,
           the converse strengthening        activities that are important      Ali Bey gained prestige and         Samsun E-Magazine
           of local power centers in the     enough to make them the            influence in the state and in
           provinces. So much so that,       subject of history? Are there      his region due to his efforts in
           starting from the second half     any members of the family          suppressing the events that
           of the 18th century, powerful     today? I hope you will find the    occurred in Georgia. Ali Bey,
           people or families emerged in     answers to these questions         who won the competition
           Anatolia and Rumelia who did      and more in the following          with his brother, became the
           not hesitate to confront the      lines.                             most influential person in the
           central authority, and who                                           region with the opportunities
           could even see themselves         Caniklizâdeler is a powerful       provided by local conditions
           as stronger than the state        local dynasty/family that had      in this period when the
           (central government) and          a say in the northern part         central authority was
           say "the state is mine",          of Anatolia from the second        weakened in the provinces.
           depending on the place and        half of the 18th century
           conditions. Among these           until the first years of the
           powerful people or families,      19th century. The founder
           who can be described as           and most famous member               Canikli Ali Pasha
           notables and local dynasties,     of the family is Canikli Ali         became a member
           in Rumelia; Tepedenlioğulları,    Pasha. It is known that
           Pazvantoğulları and               Ahmet Ağa, the Kapıcıbaşı           of a dynasty whose
           Alemdaroğulları, in Anatolia;     of Dergâh-ı âlî, whose father          power the state
           Karaosmanoğulları,                had an important title in the               feared...
           Çapanoğulları, and                Ottoman Empire, was from
           Hazinedarzadeler are the first    Fatsa, worked as a Canik
           ones that come to mind. One       tax collector in the 1730s         During the ten-year period
           of the families that left their   and 1740s, and was killed          following the Ottoman-
           mark on a period in the Black     by bandits around Terme in         Russian War, which started
           Sea region and deserve to         1748. Ali Pasha was born in        in 1768, Ali Pasha took on
           be described as a truly local     Istanbul in 1133 H. (1720-21       important duties such as
           dynasty is the Caniklizade        A.D.). In his youth, he went       tax collector, governor and
           family. Thanks to some            to Canik, their hometown,          serasker. In December 1773,
           research conducted in recent      with his father and older          he was appointed governor
           years, important information      brother Süleyman Bey. Here,        of Trabzon with the rank of
           has been obtained about           they acquired property and         vizier. In the following years,
           this family, which originated     position and began to have         he became the governor of
           in the Canik region, where        a say in the provincial sanjak     Erzurum and his son Ahmet
           they took their family name,      administration.                    Mikdat Pasha became the
           and subsequently expanded                                            governor of Sivas. Ali Pasha,
           their sphere of influence and     In the 1750s, Canikli              whose wealth increased in
           authority from the Central        Süleyman Pasha served as           parallel with his services,
           and Eastern Black Sea to          the governor of Trabzon for        gained enough importance
           the Caucasus, Eastern and         three years. During these          and prestige to direct the
           Central Anatolia. So, who are     years, his brother Ali Bey         Eastern policy of the state
           this family and its members,      was his deputy tax collector,      in this period. Eventually,      107
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