Page 112 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 112

Enes Süzgüner
       OMÜTİT is Everywhere!  OMÜTİT

          is Everywhere!

                                                                                Our young people meet art
                                                                                and theater at OMU! OMU
                                                                                Theater Society, which has
                                                                                educated many students
                                                                                and staged hundreds of

                                                                                plays, opened its doors for
                                                                                Samsun E-Magazine.

                                                                                As a guest at OMU Stage,
                                                                                we had a pleasant
                                                                                conversation with Enes
                                                                                Süzgüner, President of
                                                                                OMU Theater Society. You

                                                                                can both read our interview
                                                                                and watch it if you wish
                                                                                by clicking the link on the


           Could you briefly introduce       Language Teaching.                 continued to carry out its
           yourself to us?                                                      artistic activities continuously
                                             When and how was OMU               and actively for 36 years since
           I was born in Istanbul on         Theater Society founded?           then.
           October 24, 2000 and grew
           up there. Afterwards, I moved     OMU Theater Society was            The board of directors
           to Samsun, my hometown.           founded in 1988 by our             of OMU Theater Society
           I am a senior student at          teacher Kamil Sönmez and           consists entirely of
           Ondokuz Mayıs University,         his friends when he was a          students as well as
           Department of German              student. Our society has           professors. What would
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