Page 115 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 115

Samsun E-Magazine

           equipment for a theater           How many plays in total                who have never
           play? How does this               have you staged so far as
           supplying process go?             OMÜTİT?                               watched theater
                                                                                 plays in their lives,

           At the beginning of the           Since the society was               and introduce them
           university educational            founded in 1988, we have
           calendar, our directors and       staged 147 theater plays in                to theater.
           cast members determine            36 years. These plays include
           the needs of the plays            our adult plays of, "Vision        Can you give information
           together with the board of        Plays", "Graduate Plays",          about your children's
           directors. We supply our          "Workshop Plays", which are        plays? Is there a segment
           products with the budget          run by Workshop Directors          of society you particularly
           allocated to our students         and whose cast consists            want to reach with the
           society by the university. We     only of term workshops, and        children's plays?
           have workshops belonging          "Children's Plays", which is a
           to our society where we           social responsibility project.     We stage two plays every
           produce decor and costumes.                                          year, a vision play and a
           All active and non-active                                            children's play. Children's
           members produce decor and            We want to reach                play is indispensable for us,
           costumes for the plays in          children in different             it is our social responsibility
           these workshops, using the                                           project. We want to reach
           materials supplied.                   parts of Samsun
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