Page 114 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 114

OMÜTİT is Everywhere!  through a detailed training   We have a very      Graduates who have been
           process both on and behind
                                                                                active in the society, recently
                                                                                stage plays in different
           the stage. (Improvisation,
           Observation, Direction
                                                                                cities, especially in Samsun,
                                                                                Ankara and Istanbul. They
           Studies, Stage Standing, Voice
                                               theatrical network
           Usage, etc.) "Old Members"
                                                                                semester and support the
           are society members who             in our country and               perform different plays every
           are responsible for the             around the world.                university students who are
           equipment (Decor, Costume,                                           the active society members,
           Technical Equipment and           Do students who graduate           with their knowledge and
           Make-up) required for             from OMU continue their            experience. Graduates
           our play cast during the          activities in the society?         provide all this support as
           educational calendar.             Do you know what the               the "OMÜTİT Alumni Board of
           "Directors"; Responsible for      graduates are doing?               Directors" established by the
           Children's Play and Adult                                            graduate members.
           Play, organizes weekdays          Yes, OMÜTİT is a student
           and weekends for these            society. In order to be active     As the students of our
           plays. Directors prepare          in the society, it is necessary    university from all over
           plays together with the cast.     to be a student at OMU.            Türkiye join the society, they
           "Workshop Directors" are          People who continue their          become OMÜTİT's theatrical
           responsible for the workshop      university life can be active      network when they return
           trainings held on weekends.       in the society as long as they     to their hometown after
           Workshop Directors assist         want. OMÜTİT is a community        graduation or in different
           members with theatrical           that has been going on for 36      countries of the world. I
           and social issues within a        years. The founding students,      can say that; OMU Theater
           planned training process in       who are now professors at          Society is everywhere now.
                                             OMU, have been active in the
                                             society since the day OMÜTİT       Where and how do you
                                             was first established.             supply the decor, costumes
                                                                                and other necessary

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