Page 113 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 113
We progress Samsun E-Magazine
OMÜTİT within a master-
by continuing
our activities
is Everywhere! relationship.
you like to say about the a completely different are called "Workshop
society's management perspective. We progress Members", and members
team? by continuing our society who continue their activities
management and theater in the community for the
From the outside, "a society activities within a master- second year are called "Old
consisting entirely of apprentice relationship. Members". Members who
students" may sound a bit continue to participate in the
amateurish. However, thanks How do you provide theater society after 2 years; In order
to a management discipline training? to take part in community
that has been working management, they can
systematically for 36 years, Our society provides theater be candidates for "Board
students have been running education within the "Master- Membership", "Directorship"
the society with a great Apprentice" education or "Workshop Directorship".
professional understanding. system. A member teaches The Board of Directors is
The fact that everyone in the his theatrical knowledge, the highest level within the
administration is a student technical knowledge and society's management. The
creates a student union experience about decor, President, Vice President
within the university. The costumes and make-up that and Board of Directors are
fact that people who are new he learned in the society, to elected from the society's
to university life start their the society members who members.
theater life with our society become members after him. "Workshop Members"
and take on various roles Thus; A "Master-Apprentice" register at the beginning
within the society, become relationship is established of the semester to attend
directors, become board between old members and our workshops. Workshop
members, provides new new members. Within this memberships begin as
students with the opportunity system; Individuals who soon as they enter the
to look at their lives from have newly joined OMÜTİT "OMU Stage" door. They go