Page 117 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 117

at OMU Stage and Art Center       Lastly, is there anything
           of Samsun Metropolitan            you would like to add?
           Municipality. We want to
           introduce our theater plays       Our theater society exists                                             Samsun E-Magazine Samsun E-Magazine
           to all the people of Samsun.      with more than a hundred
           Both to children and adults...    plays performed in 36 years,
           Apart from this; there is the     social responsibility projects,
           "National Theater Festival",      children's plays, and theater
           which is held every year          festivals and tours that have
           without interruption and          been held for 27 years. It is
           which we organized for the        the only university society
           27th time last year. Student      that is managed together
           societies from universities all   with both its active members
           over our country come to our      and alumni members and
           festival and exhibit their own    achieves all these. Our
           plays. We host the students       theater society is like a home
           who come to the festival          that teaches many things
           in Samsun and show them           about life to those who cross
           around our city. First they       paths with us...
           stage their own plays for us,
           then we stage our own plays       It is a great pleasure to share
           for them. They comment on         all this with public through
           the plays we perform, and         Samsun E-Magazine. I so
           we comment on the plays           thankful for this opportunity
           they perform. In this way, we     you offered for us. Stay with
           achieve both intercity and        the theater!
           intercultural interaction. We
           hope that our festival, which
           has been going on for 27
           years, will continue to host
           university societies in Samsun
           in the coming years.

           Apart from the festival,
           we also organize a tour
           every year. Last year, we
           took our children's play to
           Kahramanmaraş where
           they affected from the
           earthquake. We were in Sivas
           and Malatya the previous
           year. Similarly, we go to
           various cities in Türkiye and
           stage our own plays. We
           introduce our plays to the
           students and people of the
           cities we visit.                                                                                       117
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