Page 116 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 116

OMÜTİT is Everywhere!

                                                    We want to
                                                raise a qualified



           children in different parts       where they can develop and         What is the most important
           of Samsun who have never          grow by playing games. Our         goal of OMU Theater
           watched theater plays in          goal is to realize this project    Society?
           their lives, and introduce        every year.
           them to theater. We want                                             We want to raise a qualified
           to show children the beauty       We had to take a break last        theater audience. We want
           and goodness in life through      year due to the earthquake         people to watch theater
           theater. We have such a goal.     disaster in our country.           as qualified theatergoers
           Sometimes we go to schools        However, we returned               in their future years, both
           in the villages of Samsun.        to the stage after the             at OMU and in their lives
           Sometimes we bring our            earthquake. We returnt to          after graduating from
           children living in villages to    stage for children of cities       university. We want them
           OMU Stage.                        that are effected from             make a difference with the
                                             the earthquake. We were            comments they make about
           At the end of each academic       in Kahramanmaraş, in               the plays they watch. This is
           year, we go to a village school   the earthquake zone. We            our main aim.
           we have determined and            performed our play called
           create a library there. We are    "Gimzeşa Adventures"               Can you tell us about the
           making this library in our own    in the container cities in         events you organized
           decor workshop. We fill that      Kahramanmaraş. We went             throughout the year?
           library with books and toys       to 4 container cities in 2
           we have sewn. We create a         days, performed our plays          During the year, we stage the
           space for children where they     and created a library in each      children's play and our vision
           can both read and learn, and      container city we went to.         play. We stage theater plays
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