Page 108 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 108

he became a member of a           returned to their former           the functioning of state
       Osmanlı Devleti Zamanında Karadeniz’de Bir Yerel Hanedan: Caniklizâdeler
           dynasty whose power the           ranks and duties. Ali Pasha        institutions and the attitude
           state feared. His sons Battal     was appointed governor of          of administrators.
           Hüseyin Bey and Mikdat            Trabzon, Mikdat Ahmet Pasha
           Ahmet Pasha were his biggest      was appointed governor of          In order to prevent the
           supporters.                       Erzurum and governor of            extinction of the dynasty of
                                             Amasya sanjak (July 1781).         Ali Pasha, an influential vizier,
           It is frequently seen that        Meanwhile, Ali Pasha did not       his son Kapıcıbaşı Battal
           notables and dynasties            hesitate to take his revenge       Hüseyin Bey was appointed
           entered into conflicts of         by eliminating his rival           as the governor of Erzurum
           interest with each other          Çapanoğlu Mustafa Bey.             and the Eastern Serasker
           in 18th century Anatolia.                                            with the rank of vizier (July
           An example of this is             Russia's occupation of Crimea      2, 1785). Later, he served as
           their struggle with the           in 1783 and its increased          governor of Trabzon, Aleppo,
           Çapanoğulları, which              activities in the Caucasus         Hajj Emirate and Damascus
           constituted an important          strengthened the possibility       province. Mikdat Ahmet
           phase in the life of the          of a new war. In this process,     Pasha served as governor of
           Caniklizades. In the first        the government tried to            Diyarbakır, Konya, Sivas and
           phase of this struggle, Ali       benefit from the experience        Aleppo. He was appointed as
           Pasha was defeated by his         of Canikli Ali Pasha. Canikli      the Chief of Moldavia during
           opponent, who also had the        Ali Pasha's appointment as         the Russian War of 1787 –
           support of the government,        Emir of Hajj and governor          1791. But he was dismissed
           and managed to escape             of Damascus in 1784 came           because of his failure.
           by escaping to Crimea             to the fore. However, this
           (November 1779). Thanks to        was abandoned because his          "In 1788, Battal Hüseyin
           the power he gained, Canikli      experiences were needed in         Pasha, who was appointed
           Ali Pasha saw himself as          Caucasus politics.                 governor of Trabzon on the
           powerful enough to disregard                                         condition that he preserved
           the state authority. But when     Canikli Ali Pasha passed           the Anapa castle on the
           he realized that what he was      away on June 26, 1785 in           Caucasus coast, was defeated
           doing was wrong, he took          Erzurum, his last place of         by the Russians and was
           a step back. Thus, he was         duty. The area where the           captured with his son Tayyar
           saved from being killed and       Caniklizâde family ruled           Mahmut Bey (October 1790).
           paved the way for regaining       included provinces and             Anapa Castle was taken over
           his lost reputation. Moreover,    sanjaks such as Erzurum,           by the Russians after, It made
           this time he returned as          Sivas, Amasya, Kastamonu           Sultan Selim III very angry.
           a statesman whose ideas           and Kars during his time. Ali      The sultan, who was resentful
           the state valued and whose        Pasha, known for his prudent       of Battal Pasha's reluctant
           advice he followed. Grand         and powerful personality,          behavior and failure to resist
           Vizier İzzet Mehmet Pasha         acted as a tyrannical ruler        the Russians, executed
           convinced Sultan Abdülhamid       when necessary. Unlike             his son Hayrettin Bey, the
           I that Ali Pasha should be        other provincial officials of      governor of Canik and the
           pardoned in order to restore      his time, he was someone           voivode of Karahisar-ı Şarkî,
           the balance that had been         well educated. He has a            and Mikdat Ahmet Pasha,
           disturbed in favor of the         treatise criticizing the events    who was in exile in Plovdiv.
           Çapanoğulları in Anatolia.        during the reigns of Mustafa       Thus, the family's dominance
     108   Thus, family members were         III and Abdulhamid I and           in the Black Sea region was
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