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This Event Became Turning Point of My Life  Ahmed Günbay Yıldız

           This Event Became

           Turning Point of My Life

                                                                 An author who made a name for himself
                                                                 with the novels he wrote, who has a great
                                                                 passion to express what he can write
                                                                 and say, and who tries to express himself
                                                                 through his works... Ahmet Günbay Yıldız
                                                                 is in Samsun E-Magazine!

                                                                 We had an exclusive interview with Ahmed
                                                                 Günbay Yıldız for Samsun E-Magazine
                                                                 readers. Stating that he is a writer
                                                                 searching for The Absolute Truth, Yıldız
                                                                 expresses that his biggest source of
                                                                 inspiration is the "Quran" and the person
                                                                 he draws inspiration from is the Prophet
                                                                 Muhammad (SAW).

                                                                 We hope you enjoy reading our interview,

                                                                 in which we talk about many topics, from
                                                                 Ahmet Günbay Yıldız's novels to the advice
                                                                 he gives to those who want to become a
                                                                 writer, from the turning point of his life to
                                                                 his sources of inspiration...

           Every person is different         being is different from each       same limbs physically, our
           from each other, every            other" in the first sentence       body works within the same
           person is special. Your           of your question. I think it       system, we have vital needs
           readers know you to some          would be more accurate             such as eating and drinking,
           extent from the books             to say that human beings,          each of us is in a constant
           you have written, but if          who are the same in almost         activity such as breathing,
           you were to tell us about         everything in terms of             and this will continue until
           yourself, what would you          creation, also have some           we take our last breath,
           like to say?                      distinctive features and in        without exception, these are
                                             this respect they differ from      our absolute common points
           Let me start with the             each other. Under normal           as human beings. However,
           statement "Every human            conditions, we carry the           some characteristics of
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