Page 75 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 75

Samsun E-Magazine

              5 Known Benefits of Black Cumin

                                    It supports the immune system.
                                    It can provide protection against diseases
                                    such as flu and cold, which are especially
                                    common in winter months.

                                  It is good for the digestive system, especially
                                  the stomach. It is assumed to be particularly
                                  effective in preventing the formation of stomach

                                          It fights infection in the body.
                                          It works to destroy the bacteria that cause
                                          the infection.

                                    It helps lower cholesterol.
                                    It has an effect on balancing blood sugar.

                                    It reduces joint pain.
                                    It can prevent swelling and stiffness of joints.

           *If you have allergies or are taking medication
           or are pregnant, you may need to consume it by
           consulting your doctor.                                                                                75
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