Page 70 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 70

That Night was the Breaking Point of My Life  We know that you are also   I am one of the first to   bread, Bafra Nokulu which
           the Chairman of TÜRES.
                                                                                contains grapes... The
                                             introduce "open buffet" and
                                                                                flavors were incredible. For
                                             "serpme kahvaltı" (Turkish
           Could you share with us
                                                                                example, we made cleavers
           your opinions about our
                                             breakfast table) options for
                                             breakfast in Türkiye. At that
           country in the field of
                                                                                with blacksmiths in Umutlu
                                             time, we did not realize that
                                                                                Village. In this iron workshop,
                                             we were causing serious
                                                                                they took the scissors from
           The existence of TÜRES
                                             food waste. When I go to my
                                                                                old cars, processed them,
           is very important for our
                                             look at is the garbage. After
           industry. As restaurateurs
                                                                                knives, and agricultural tools.
           and tourism professionals         restaurants, the first thing I     and then made cleavers,
                                             these Turkish breakfast
                                                                                A perfect recycling, I watched
           in Türkiye, we create a huge      tables, I realized that there      it with admiration. We made
           employment area. We are           was a serious food waste. We       nokul and local sourdough
           in a very critical position       immediately decided to have        bread, which has a 60-year
           in promoting our country.         optional breakfast, and we         history, with the women of
           Of course, problems, from         frequently share this decision     Sürmeli Village. We sifted the
           the smallest to the largest,      with the stakeholders of           flour finely with a historical
           can sometimes lead to             our industry for change. For       mill. I can't forget the taste
           irreversible problems for our     example, you are diabetic          and flavor of the bread made
           industry. It is at this point     and cannot eat sweets. In          with that flour.
           that TÜRES touches on the         the Turkish breakfast table,
           problems. We listen and           all kinds of honey and jam         Is there a dish that is
           record all problems from our      are piled in front of you.         unique to Samsun that
           industry, from the smallest       For optional breakfast, you        you would like to taste or
           to the largest, and make a        order only the products you        have tasted and liked very
           serious effort to forward         like and can eat, and pay for      much?
           them to the necessary units.      what you eat. With optional
           As TÜRES, we set out on           breakfast, while you prevent       Bafra Pidesi, Nokul, pickled
           this path saying "We are the      the food waste, you also save      beans, sourdough bread,
           power of the industry" and        your budget.                       Asma Ekmeği are some of my
           we spend our strength for                                            favorites.
           our industry to the fullest.      Have you ever had the
                                             opportunity to come to             Lastly, do you have
           In our world where                Samsun and try Samsun's            anything you would like to
           consumption and                   local dishes?                      say to Samsun E-Magazine
           wastefulness increase                                                readers?
           uncontrollably, what do           Of course. I especially spent
           you think about throwing          a lot of time during the           The hadith "He who has two
           away leftover food? We also       Samsun shooting of "Chef's         equal days is at a loss" has
           know that you have started        Special Guest". We had             guided me throughout my
           an optional breakfast             prepared a perfect table for       life. Those who continue on
           program in your restaurant        our guests at Çakallı Taşhan       their path with this motto will
           instead of Turkish                Restaurant. Bread with grape       achieve success.
           breakfast table. Could you        leaf (Asma Ekmeği), Bafra
           share your thoughts about         Pidesi, delicious ice creams
           food waste with us?               prepared with salep grown
     70                                      in the region, sourdough
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