Page 66 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 66

That Night was the Breaking Point of My Life  That Night was the
                                    Ramazan Bingöl

                   Breaking Point of

                                          My Life

                                                                                What makes a meal
                                                                                delicious? How did the

                                                       The hadith               "Ramazan Bingöl" brand
                                                                                emerge? What is the story
                                              "He who has two                   of "lahmacun in bread"?

                                     equal days is at a loss"                   How to prepare the best
                                                  has guided me                 "Borani"? Answers to all
                                                                                these questions and more

                                          throughout my life.                   are hidden in our interview!

                                                                                We had an exclusive

                                                                                interview with Ramazan
                                                                                Bingöl, Turkish Culinary
                                                                                Arts Expert and Chairman

                                                                                of All Restaurants and
                                                                                Tourism Association
                                                                                (TÜRES) for Samsun
                                                                                E-Magazine readers. We wish
                                                                                you pleasant reading and

                                                                                hope you enjoy every meal
                                                                                you eat.

           How and when did you              rather than the cooking            it on their dining tables in
           start cooking? Was there          itself. Which food is cooked       the past... These topics have
           anyone who influenced you         in which season, how is            always attracted me more.
           in cooking?                       it eaten, and what flavors         My experience and memory
                                             accompany it? The smell of         about the culture of food
           I was generally interested        food, its deliciousness, its       is mostly related to these
           in the story of the food          historical process, who found      subjects. I fond of eating
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