Page 69 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 69
Eggplant kebab in summer a lifestyle in our restaurants;
is incomparably delicious We offer art, aesthetics, and
than any other dish. Likewise; a visual feast. Therefore, just
Onion Kebab in winter, Fried as a sculptor or a painter Samsun E-Magazine
Plums (Erik Tava), Loquat prepares his work with great
Kebab in spring... In other care, I show the same care
words, for a meal to have and attention to the meals I
a special meaning for me, prepare. And the smell of the
it must be prepared in the food… I always smell every
season in which the fruits meal before tasting it. When
and vegetables in it grow. I smell, I feel and internalize
the food. I cannot enjoy food
Do you have a spice that is that I cannot internalize.
the finishing touch in your
meals? We know that the TV
program "Chief's Special
Spices are the unsung hero Guest" (Şefin Özel Konuğu),
of meals. Spice gives an you presented on TRT
idea about the food with its Documentary channel won
smell before even tasting it. the appreciation of the
Since there are many types audience with its different
of spices, the spices that topics and content. What
accompany each dish are would you like to share
different. It is necessary to about the program?
know which food should be
used with which spice and The “Chef's Special Guest”
to know the spices closely. TV program has a unique
For example, depending place in my heart. I was
don't promote them enough. on the season, basil, mint, very proud to cook for my
We are making efforts to coriander and sumac are exclusive program guests,
promote it and will continue used in salads; fresh thyme, who can be described as
to do so. rosemary, saffron, nutmeg Türkiye's heroes, and to be
for red meat; I like to use bay the head of the program
Is there a food that has a leaves, garlic, fresh ginger production team. Anatolia
special meaning for you? and rosemary in fish. really has a distinct place with
the hospitality, bravery and
Every meal prepared What were your compassion of its people. We
according to the season inspirations when creating saw this almost everywhere
and cooked in the season in your signature dish? we went and shot programs.
which the vegetables grow is Of course, we cannot pay
special to me. For example, "Every meal should be those heroes their due, but at
green beans, purslane prepared like a work of least we showed our respect
and eggplant are special art." This philosophy is my for this courage and mercy
in summer. In summer, biggest source of inspiration. with a nice TV program where
every meal prepared with Visuality is as important to we hosted them also for a
vegetables and fruits grown me as the taste of the food. meal.
in summer is special for me. Because we offer our guests 69