Page 61 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 61

share something about that
                                                                                place so that we can travel
                                                                                there too. Nothing happens
                                                                                without effort. For example,        Samsun E-Magazine
                                                                                you can work in a nice hotel.
                                                                                But all young people want to
                                                                                stay in that beautiful hotel. I
                                                                                couldn't stay in those hotels
                                                                                at that age either. I was
                                                                                working too. You can better
                                                                                understand the logic of that
                                                                                hotel and the spirit of that
                                                                                region by living there and
                                                                                sharing it.

                                                                                To put it briefly, my most
                                                                                important advice to young
                                                                                people: Get away from big
                                                                                cities and do useful work in
                                                                                small settlements. This could
                                                                                be working in a hotel, it could
                                                                                even be in any cleaning job in
                                                                                the municipality, it could be
                                                                                social responsibility projects...
                                                                                In those small settlements,
                                                                                do things that can make a
                                                                                difference or add experience
                                                                                to yourself. This way, you
                                                                                will have value in society.
                                                                                Someone will definitely see
                                                                                your effort and want to
                                                                                reward you in some way.
                                                                                That reward is not about
                                                                                money. It could be a better
                                                                                position or a completely
                                                                                different career opportunity.

                                                                                Welcome to our city. You
                                                                                met with the Mayor of
                                                                                Samsun Metropolitan
                                                                                Municipality, Mr. Mustafa
                                                                                Demir, around yesterday
                                                                                evening. Could you please
                                                                                share your impressions
                                                                                about the meeting with us?

                                                                                Our meeting was very nice.        61
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