Page 60 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 60

is a bit difficult, there are no
       Youth Should Try to Get Out of Their Comfort Zones
           non-locals after, and there is
           only the sea in front of you.

               If a place has a

            story, you can find                              Travelling
                   me there.

                                                         means living

           What kind of preparations
           do you make before going
                                                                 for me.
           on your travels?

           First, I research previously
           undiscovered places in the
           city I will visit. I also visit
           places where everyone else
           goes, but I prefer places
           with a story. Because; until
           now, in all our provinces,
           almost everything that could
           be shared was shared by
           others. But the stories of the
           people living in these visited
           places were not shared,
           this remained incomplete.
           Generally, my preparations
           and travel research are
           carried out in this direction.
           If a place has a story, you can
           find me there.

           Do you have any advice
           for young people who are
           interested in traveling
           and consider you as a role
           model traveler?

           Young people should try
           to get out of their comfort
           zones and understand that
           nothing is without effort. We
           see influencers traveling on
           social media, we want them
     60    to go to a new place and
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