Page 57 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 57

the tea to reach its perfect      that almost all the people of a    longer be kept alive as much as
           consistency. Little children      city sit down at the dining table   it used to be.
           who had just woken up from        at the same time on the same
           sleep with their eyes not yet     day and eat pide for hours         Let's keep our traditions alive     Samsun E-Magazine Samsun E-Magazine
           fully opened, would go out of     while chatting? If you smell       and pass them on to our
           their beds and take their places   the kıymalı pide that fills the   future generations. Let our
 in Samsun  at the table. The household      streets of Samsun on Sunday        children live their childhood

           would wait impatiently for the
                                                                                at warm tables where good
                                             mornings, and especially if you
           pide to arrive on the table. In
           those mornings, you would         have the chance to taste it, this   conversations take place, just
                                             situation will no longer seem
                                                                                like we did. Let our children
           see people carrying pide trays    unusual to you.                    learn compassion and sharing,
           on the roads and pavements.                                          just as we have learned. Let
           These delicious pides were        It doesn't matter whether it is    our children eat at tables that
           also offered to friends and       summer or winter, the kıymalı      become more abundant the
           neighbors whom they come          pide tradition for the people      more the food is shared. Let
           accross on their way home         of Samsun gives the same           our children hear the value of
           from the bakery. The neighbors    taste in every season. Samsun      blessings from their elders, and
           in the apartment were also        Pidesi, which is missed by         not know what food waste and
           invited to these delicious late   many of our fellow citizens        extravagance is.
           breakfasts. Due to the morning    who leave Samsun for school
           drowsiness, the containers        or work, does not taste the
           in which the pide fillings        same in other cities. That's why
           were taken were sometimes         families try to send pide to their
           forgotten in the bakery, so the   children by courier or through
           mother of the house would         acquaintances who go to the
           scold especially the carrying     city where their children live.
           little children in the morning.   However, nothing can replace
           The pide brought home was         hot, freshly baked pide eaten
           first get buttered, then cut      together with family members
           and distributed on plates and     at family home.
           tables. Leftover pides would be
           heated for lunch or dinner and    Lucky people who spent their
                  eaten alongside the        childhood in these beautiful
                   main meal throughout      mornings of Samsun are
                    the day and the          longing for this taste today.
                      following days.        Because, due to family
                                             members moving away from
                        Don't you also       each other and changing living
                         find it interesting   conditions, this tradition can no

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