Page 56 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 56

A Sunday Tradition in Samsun  A Sunday Tradition

                                                          in Samsun

           Every city has its own classics   into pide bread. Depending on      start waiting with trays in your
           and habits that have become       the number of customers at         hands and cardboard boxes to
           traditions. People living in that   the bakery, sometimes waiting    put the cooked and ready pides.
           city adopt these habits without   in line for hours is a challenge   People were not surprised at
           even realizing it and pass them   before the pide is ready.          all by this small crowd that
           on to future generations. There                                      formed in the bakery early in
           is such a habit of people of      In the past, the number of         the morning. People who
           Samsun that reminds them          bakeries in the neighborhoods      couldn't get together on
           their childhood.                  were few, so a reservation was     weekdays
                                             made from the bakery the day       would have
           Pide with minced meat, made       before. Early in the morning, the   the sweetest
           specially in neighborhood         father or the child of the house   conversations
           bakeries in Samsun on Sunday      would go to the bakery, with       in these bakery
           mornings, is a weekend classic    trays and containers filled with   queues. At home,
           for Samsun locals. All family     minced meat fried with onions.     the rush to brew tea
           members gather on that            While the filling of the pide was   would begin. When
           Sunday morning, chatting over     delivered to the baker, how        the pide arrive
           freshly brewed hot tea and        the pide was requested to be       home, it
           covered mincemeat pide is a       cooked was described in detail     was waited
           different experience. Samsun      to the baker. Then
           locals call "covered pide with    you would
           minced meat" simply as
           "kıymalı" (short form of telling
           "with minced meat" in Turkish).

           You shouldn't underestimate
           the preparation of pide;
           the labor involved in this
           process is the labor of
           the whole family.
           The mother
           of the house
           carefully prepares
           the filling for the pide
           on Saturday evening.
           Usually, the father of
           the house or one of the
           children takes the prepared
           pide fillings to the bakery early
     56    on Sunday morning to be made
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