Page 59 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 59

You have a lot of followers       How many countries and             don't know the total number
           on social media. How did          cities have you visited?           of all the countries I've
           you become interested in                                             visited, I've never kept count.
           using social media actively?      I have visited many                                                    Samsun E-Magazine
                                             countries... The only one I        Do you have an
           I had a digital marketing         haven't visited yet is China.      unforgettable memory
           agency in Europe. Therefore;      I went on a world tour             from your travels?
           I am professionally in the        without ever getting on a
           social media industry. I have     plane. I traveled all over         Yes. There is a place called
           been dealing with websites        Europe. I went to Miami on a       Kekova Kaleköy in Antalya,
           and digital marketing since       cruise ship from Barcelona. I      the peace there is unlike
           1998. When I came to Turkey                                          anywhere else in Turkey.
           6-7 years ago, I created                                             Picture it in your mind:
           content and shared beautiful                                         It's a small settlement,
           places about tourism while                                           transportation is only by
           wondering what I could do                                            boat, transportation by land
           here. Drones entered our
           lives. I shot places that have
           never been shot before
           with a drone. I prepared the
           videos I shot with the drone
           in story format. I did research
           on what kind of music
           our people listen to. I did
           preliminary research on the
           places people wanted to visit.
           Finally, such a social media
           account emerged.

           What does traveling mean to

           Traveling means living for
           me. Traveling is a matter of
           choice. Whether living within
           four walls or being a white-
           collar worker is a matter of
           choice. Living in a beautiful
           place is also a matter of
           choice. While traveling, I
           realized one thing: People
           love traveling but do not want
           to leave their comfort zone to             Seyahat
           fulfill their travel dreams.

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