Page 58 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 58

Youth Should Try to Get Out of Their Comfort Zones
                                           Adem Aksoy

               Youth Should Try to

                                     Get Out of

            Their Comfort Zones

             Most of us come across content about many travelers on the internet or on TV, and start to have
           similar traveling dreams. We get amazed when we see the beauty of the places that those travelers
                visit. So, do we really dare to step out of our comfort zones to make those dreams come true?

                                                                                 We came together and had a
                                                                                   pleasant interview with the
             Our city                                                           social media phenomenon

             Samsun is a                                                         Adem Aksoy, also known as

             very valuable,                                                  Adam Axoi, who has a significant
                                                                                follower base on social media
             very distinct                                                        and attracts the attention of

             city.                                                                many people with his posts.

                                                                              While he expressed his thoughts
                                                                                    about Samsun, the city he

                                                                                recently visited, he also shared
                                                                                many interesting details about
                                                                                           his  travels with us.

                                                                                  We interviewed Adem Aksoy
                                                                                  about many topics, from the
                                                                                beauties of our city Samsun to
                                                                                the preparations for his future

                                                                                travels. He inspired us with his
                                                                                        pleasant conversation.

                                                                                    We hope this interview will

                                                                                              inspire you too…

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