Page 20 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 20

All Rules of Pilot Profession Written in Blood  Göksel Burte Açıkgöz

           All Rules of the

           Pilot Profession

           Written in Blood

                                                                                  Samsun's only female
                                                                                  pilot, Göksel Burte
                                                                                  Açıkgöz is in Samsun


                                                                                  We had a special
                                                                                  interview with
                                                                                  Ms. Açıkgöz, who works

                                                                                  as an instructor pilot
                                                                                  at Samsun University
                                                                                  Flight Academy. We

                                                                                  hope that Ms. Göksel
           Could you tell us about           am still actively flying as part     will inspire you as well.
           yourself? How many years          of my profession.                    We wish you enjoyable
           have you been a pilot?                                                 reading.
                                             How did you decide to
           I was born in 1975. My father     become a pilot? Was it your
           is a soldier, my mother is        childhood dream?
           a housewife. I was born as
           the eldest of 6 sisters. We       I started my career in aviation
           are originally from Sinop.        in 2000 as a flight planning         Some women
           My father, who was an             manager at Sky Airlines, a
           aviation soldier, had to work     position I held for 13 years.        pursue their
           in different cities due to his    Since my father was a                ambitions,
           profession, so we constantly      military aviator, my sisters
           moved to different cities; I      were airline pilots, and I           some women
           continued my education in         wanted to pursue a different         pursue their
           different provinces of Türkiye.   profession, I decided to take        careers.
           I started aviation in 2000 and    up piloting. Piloting was not
     20    the pilot profession in 2008. I   my childhood dream.
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