Page 16 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 16

these countries. I'm curious      by one. When you decide to         and montage them, and
       Struggling With Freedom That Motorcycle Brought to My Life
           about South America as a          step away from your comfort        then upload the videos
           continent. During travel, each    zone, everything that seems        to the internet and share
           country offers completely         difficult is easily solved.        them with my audience.
           different adventures.                                                Now this job is a way of
           For now; Indonesia and            I was always thinking about        life for me.
           Saudi Arabia are among the        how I would meet the budget
           countries I am most curious       needed to travel. How was          Going on a world tour is
           about.                            I going to earn money to           a big risk, but life is too
                                             travel without working hard        short to not to take risks.
           Many people, especially           somewhere and earning              You have to get out of
           young people, have                money? I took my computer          your comfort zone. You
           different travel plans. What      with me and started                can write down what is
           advice would you give to          producing, shooting videos         said to you as advice,
           young people who are              and sharing them on the            but do not let what you
           having trouble getting out        computer. I have wonderful         hear affect your plans.
           of their comfort zone?            friends and viewers who I can      Because; When you
                                             say have traveled with me by       plan something, there
           The hardest part of traveling;    watching my videos since the       are too many people
           Deciding to hit the road.         day I started traveling. I earn    who say discouraging
           The moment you decide,            money based on the number          things to stop you
           all the obstacles                 of views of my videos. I travel    from doing what you
           in front of you                   on my motorcycle, plan the         planned. If you are
           disappear one                     places I visit, shoot videos       under the influence of

                                                                 Life is too

                                                              short not to

                                                                 take risks

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