Page 15 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 15

impressed by Iran's people,        people of the countries
                                             its history, and the warmth of     you live in. What foreign
            Every country that               its people.                        languages do you know?
             I thought was not                                                  When you go to a country            Samsun E-Magazine Samsun E-Magazine

             safe, surprisingly,             What do you pay most               where you don't speak
                                                                                the language, how do you
                                             attention to when
             welcomed me with                determining the country            communicate with the
              friendliness and               you want to travel to? What        people of that country?

                    warmth.                  kind of preparation do you         When I went on a world
                                             make before traveling?
                                                                                tour 6 months ago, I didn't
           Has there been a country          First of all, I decide the         know English. I tried for
           that you had an idea about        country I want to travel to. I     years to learn English, took
           before going there, but           determine the country I want       private lessons, but I could
           changed your mind when            to get to know, its culture and    not learn it. For me, not
           you went there? Which             people... After making the         knowing English was not an
           country surprised you,            decision; From the website         obstacle to traveling abroad.
           positively or negatively?         of the Ministry of Foreign         6 months ago, I visited the

                                             Affairs, I learn which type of     first 32 countries I traveled
           Before I went on a world          visa I can use to travel to that   to without knowing a foreign
           tour, there were so many          country, what documents            language.
           things that scared me about       I need to prepare for the          Now, thanks to the internet
           the places I would travel         visa application, and then         and smartphones, we can
           to. I had the strength to go      whether I can go to that           communicate with foreigners
           anywhere convenient to go         country on my motorcycle.          very easily, even without
           on my motorcycle, but; As                                            learning a foreign language.
           far as I understood from the      Last but not least, choosing       I started learning English
           feedback I received from          the right equipment for            during my travels. My English
           people, I thought that it         the seasonal conditions            is much better than before.
           would be difficult and that       and hitting the road on the        Now I can speak English at a
           the world tour would not          motorcycle...                      communicative level.
           be as easy as the European                                           But there are also countries
           tour. I had a lot of prejudices,                                     where English is not spoken
           especially towards Central             I traveled to 32              at all. Considering these
           Asia and its people.                                                 countries, I can say that;
                                                countries without               Rather than knowing a

           Every country that I thought        knowing a foreign                foreign language, I believe
           was not safe, surprisingly,         language. I believe              that intimacy is the universal
           welcomed me with                   that intimacy is the              lingua franca.
           friendliness and warmth.
                                                 universal lingua               Which country do you most

           I had prejudices about Iran,                franca.                  want to see and are most
           I was very nervous while                                             curious about?
           traveling to Iran. After my       You visit different
           trip, I can say that Iran is      countries. You may have            As a country; I was very
           the best country I have           to communicate with the            curious about Iran and
           ever traveled to. I was very                                         Mongolia. I have traveled to      15 15
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