Page 17 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 17

what is said; After a while you   of the car and showed me           I feel very lucky to be a
           say "I can't do it" and give up.   something on his mobile           Turkish woman and to be
           Don't give up!                    phone. Something translated        a woman of the Turkish
                                             from Russian was written on        Republic, which was                 Samsun E-Magazine Samsun E-Magazine
           Do you have an interesting        the phone;                         established with the efforts
           event or an unforgettable                                            of Atatürk. I had the courage
           memory in the countries           I am hearing impaired. I'm         and strength to go on a world
           you visited?                      sorry if I scared you because      tour alone on my motorcycle.
                                             I followed you. The next 300       But I really felt bad when I
           There are many stories to tell.   kilometers of road are very        saw women the same age
           But I met a Russian person        bad. I'm afraid of you falling,    or younger than me who
           who touched my life, at the       your motorcycle breaking           were having difficulties in
           Russia-Kazakhstan border          down, or experiencing              their countries just because
           gate, on the shores of the        something negative. So if you      they were women. While I
           Caspian Sea, on the 10th          allow me, I will follow you        can travel and explore the
           day of my international trip.     without disturbing you. That       world; On the other side,
           While I was waiting in line at    way, if you have trouble along     there are women who have
           customs on my motorcycle,         the way and need help, I can       responsibilities such as
           a black car approached me         help.                              raising children and cooking...
           first. The driver of the car                                         It was difficult...
           was constantly watching me        When I read the message on
           and not saying anything. He       the phone, I got emotional
           examined my motorcycle            and had tears in my eyes.
           carefully. On the way from        I didn't know what to say. I
           Kazakhstan to Russian             hugged that 25-year-old boy,
           customs, that car was             whom I did not know, who
           accelerating as I stepped on      came out of the car. Because
           the gas. When I slowed down,      the best way to describe my
           he slowed down too. I got         feelings was a hug.
           angry when I thought he was
           following me.

           5 kilometers after I entered           I felt really bad
           Russia, he passed in front            when I saw that                I have never experienced a
           of me with his car, gave the                                         single moment where I felt
           signal and stopped in front        women were having                 disadvantaged because I was
           of my motorcycle. I was             difficulties in their            a woman. When I moved
           starting to get scared now...      country just because              away from my comfort zone, I
           I thought about stepping on                                          saw that all the obstacles that
           the gas and running away,            they were women.                seemed difficult to overcome
           but the 300 kilometers ahead                                         could be overcome one by
           of me were very rough. The        As a woman, what would             one. For that reason; The
           road was unpaved, I couldn't      you like to say to your            most important point is to
           escape.                           fellow women who have              just say “I can handle this”,
                                             dreams but have difficulty         regardless of your gender.
           I stopped the motorcycle.         in realizing their dreams?
           The driver of the car got out                                                                          17
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