Page 13 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 13

Can you tell us briefly about     Motorcycles came into my          I can't imagine traveling
           yourself?                         life thanks to my father. The     without a motorcycle; In fact, I
                                             fact that my father rode a        wonder what my life would be
           I am Gülşah. I was born in        motorcycle was the biggest        like without my motorcycle.          Samsun E-Magazine Samsun E-Magazine
           Istanbul in 1994. For 16 years,   influence on me. When I
           I have been struggling with       was 13 years old, the year I      You spend almost your
           the freedom that motorcycles      had just started high school,     entire life on the road now.
           have brought to my life. Why      my father bought me a             How does it feel to travel all
           do I say “struggle”? Because      motorcycle as a gift. What a      the time?
           of the freedom that the           great chance! My father did
           motorcycle has brought to my      not allow me to go out of the     In the past, not having a
           life, I'm struggling to lead a    garden on my motorcycle           routine, not having my own
           regular life.                     for a long time. Then I           bed to sleep in, and not
                                             started secretly smuggling        knowing anyone around
           I am a teacher, teaching          the motorcycle. I parked the      me scared me. It has been
           children with intellectual        motorcycle in front of the        6 months since I started my
           disabilities. I worked with       high school most of the time,     journey. Now, at every step,
           disabled children for about       I still can't describe the feeling   I proceed with a sense of
           2 years. These 2 years            I felt there. After driving       "curiosity", which is the best
           were the most enjoyable           secretly in the back streets      aspect of travelling. Traveling
           periods of my life. I saw         until I got my driver's license,   without knowing where I will
           the difficulty of working         as soon as I got my driver's      sleep or what I will eat in the
           in Türkiye's conditions. I        license, I started traveling to   evening used to scare me, but
           thought about the hours that      places I never knew about by      now I like it.
           passed by without seeing or       motorcycle.
           experiencing anything other                                         Of course, there are also
           than routine life. I felt like I   I have been traveling on my      difficult aspects. There may
           had to first realize the things   motorcycle for 13 years.          be some missing things
           I dreamed of and then return      Motorcycles, which already        during the journey, and you
           to teaching.                      occupy an important place         miss your loved ones. I have
                                             in my life, provide me with       to make very good planning
           I have been actively traveling    ease of transportation and        regarding travel. After a
           on my motorcycle for 8 years.     enable me to make many            while, I get tired and tired of
           The priority of all my plans      friends. Because motorcycles      making plans. The fact that
           is to travel. If there is a very   are a socializing means of       the geographies where I ride
           important meeting against         transportation. If you are        a motorcycle are not places
           a motorcycle trip, you must       riding a motorcycle; All other    with every opportunity to
           have understood what my           traveling motorcycle users        travel like Europe, makes
           preference would be.              can travel with you, even for     traveling sometimes difficult.
                                             a limited time. In this way,
           We always see you on the          long-lasting friendships can      But every time I have a hard
           roads with your motorcycle.       be born. Thanks to these two      time, I think about what being
           How did you develop a             aspects, the motorcycle has       on the road and traveling
           passion for motorcycles           turned into a vehicle with        has brought to me and what
           and the idea of traveling to      which I travel around the         experiences I've had. When I
           foreign countries? Why a          world.                            think about it, my tiredness
           motorcycle?                                                         goes away.                         13 13
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