Page 8 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 8

develops. This is how             culture, prepared with
       One Who Doesn't Know World Becomes Laughing Stock of World
           language develops. This is        instructive content in the
           how culture develops.             Turkish cultural context?

           Were there any writers            The answer to your question
           you liked and looked up to        is a separate interview topic
           when you first started your       in itself. Let me say this
           career?                           much: You cannot learn an              Reason
                                             unfamiliar context through a
           I have always liked the           language you do not know. It
           Russians. They always voice       would take too long to learn.          Morality
           their real issues. You can't      Result: Unfortunately, the
           follow their example because      benefit obtained as a result
           their problems are different      of the labor expended for the
           and the way they interpret        work done is less than the             Justice
           them is different. But they       harm it causes.
           are very instructive. They
           don't deal with trivial matters.  We know you thanks to the              Manners
                                             books you write and the
                                             programs you attend. What
                                             does Alev Alatlı do in her
           The more we ask, the              daily life other than what             & Love
           more answers we get,              we know from the books?
                                             For example, what does
            the closer we get to             your routine day look like?

                                             I just read and write. I
                                             don't travel. I don't go out.
           Your saying "The more you
           read, the more human you          I don't go shopping. It's a
           become" is very valuable          very unpleasant life for the
           for us. What would you like       outside observer.
           to add about reading?
                                             Do you have red lines that
                                             you do not want to be
           Thank you, but isn't it really?
           In the final analysis, we write   crossed and principles that
                                             you will never give up?
           for each other. We ask, "Look,
           I saw it this way, what do you
           think?" The more we ask and       Reason, morality, justice,
           the more answers we get, the      manners and love...
           closer we get to perfection.
                                             Lastly, what would you like
                                             to say to the readers of
           How do you think the
           difficulty in learning a          Samsun E-Magazine?
           foreign language in Türkiye
           can be overcome? What             Those who do not know the
           would you like to say             world become the laughing
           about a foreign language          stock of the world. Learn the
     8     education based on Turkish        world, end this ordeal!
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