Page 4 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
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Samsun E-Magazine                           s./6                 s./24                s./58

                                                     Alev                 Huge                 Adem
                     PUBLISHER                       Alatlı               Investment in        Aksoy
                   Mustafa DEMİR
         on behalf of Samsun Metropolitan Municipality  I had a worldview that   Sports: İlkadım   Youth should try
                                                     I wanted to share with   Sports Complex   to get out of their
                                                     everyone, I felt like I                   comfort zones.
                                                     would die if I couldn't!
                  EDITOR-IN-CHIEF &
                  MANAGING EDITOR
                  Süleyman DEMİRTAŞ                  s./10                s./26                s./64
                  PRESS COUNSELOR
                    İbrahim SEZEN
              PUBLICATION COORDINATOR                Project that         Varol                What
                     Yaprak KOÇER                    Suits                Yaşaroğlu            Breathing
                  DIGITAL DIRECTOR                   Rasathane:           The movie "King Shakir:   Exercises
                     Esat GÜMÜŞ                      Rasathane            Recycle" was broadcast   Good For?
                  VISUAL DIRECTOR                    Book Cafe            in 150 countries and
                   Damla SARIOĞLU                                         translated into nearly 60
                                                                          different languages.
                     Gülşah DEMİR                    s./12                s./36                s./66
                    Talip ÖZDEMİR                    Gülşah Merve         Colors and           Ramazan
                    VIDEO EDITING                    Yüksel               Their                Bingöl
                   Seçkin Cemil KIRCI
                   PHOTOGRAPHY                       Struggling with freedom   Reflections     You cannot find anywhere
                      Salih AĞIR                     that motorcycle brought                   else in the world, the
                     Kürşat YAZGI                    to my life.                               pleasure of the palate
                                                                                               that Turkish cuisine
                                                     s./18                s./54                s./74
               Samsun 19 Mayıs Municipality
                   Ömer İdris AKDİN                  How the              A Magnificent        Black Cumin
                      Mustafa AK
                    Samet ÇALIŞKAN                   World                Touch to             and Its Known
                     Samet ÇELİK
                     Neşe KADAN                      Drinks Tea?          Sarıgazel:           Benefits
                    Gizem AKKULAK                                         Sarıgazel Natural
                     Büşra BALCI
                    Hayriye BAKAN                                         Habitat Park
                   Berna Nur İŞÇİMEN
                                                     s./20                s./56                s./76
                Beyza Hilal Nur ATASOYLU
                   Tayfun BOZKURT

                      CONTACT                        Göksel Burte         A Sunday             Healthy
                  Pazar St. Necip Bey Ave. No:35
                 TR55020 İlkadım, Samsun/TÜRKİYE     Açıkgöz              Tradition in         Snacks
                     +90 (362) 431 60 90
              WhatsApp Messaging Hotline: +90 505 195 50 00
                    Fax: +90 (362) 431 15 78                              Samsun
                   Mail: [email protected]         All the rules of the pilot
                                                     profession are written
                   WEBSITE   PUBLICATION TYPE        in blood.
                   SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS
              Instagram, Facebook, TwitterI @edergisamsun
                    Youtube I samsunedergi
                                                        Kızılırmak Delta Wetland and Bird Sanctuary
                    Issue: 9 / DECEMBER 2023
                     Samsun E-Magazine
          is prepared by the Department of Press, Publications and Public Rela-
                tions of Samsun Metropolitan Municipality.
                     Published quarterly.
                   All publishing rights reserved.
               Copying part or all of the magazine is prohibited.
           Responsibility for the articles in the magazine belongs to the
     4                  authors.
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