Page 5 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 5


                                                                                  A district that                   Samsun E-Magazine

                                                                    Nebiyan       fascinates in every
                                                                                  season... 19 Mayıs...
           s./80                 s./92                  s./106

           Ahmed Günbay          Eren Can İnanlı        Prof. Dr. Rıza            Nebiyan, a natural
           Yıldız                Sercan Sever           Karagöz                   wonder, is also

           I have tried to express   All living creatures should   The family that took its   the address of
           myself through my works,   come together under the   place in important pages
           and I intend to express   concept of United Health   of Samsun's history…  entertainment...
           myself in the same way as   Service.
           long as Allah gives me life.
           s./86                 s./96                  s./110                    Galeriç Subasar

           The Project That  Ways Animals               Mistakes That We          Forests, where nature
                                                                                  lovers can find
           Suits the Heart       Say 'I Love You'       Think Correct:
           of Samsun:            to Us                  How Correctly Do          serenity with the
           Sümbül Mansion                               We Use Turkish?           sounds of birds, and

                                                                                  have the opportunity
           s./88                  s./98                 s./112                    to take a nice walk by

           Flower of All          Prof. Dr. Ayfer       Enes                      breathing in the smell
                                                                                  of spring, is a nice
           Seasons                Kamalı Polat          Süzgüner
           Hyacinth               Men's neglect of      We want to reach children   option.
                                  breast cancer, reduces   in different parts of Samsun
                                  the possibility of early   who have never watched
                                  diagnosis.            theater plays in their lives and
                                                        introduce them to theater.
           s./90                  s./104

           Effects of             What Color
           Gemstones on           Ribbon for Each
           Human Body             Cancer?

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