Page 2 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
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Dear Readers,

                                                                We are here again with the 9th issue of our interactive
                                                                magazine. We are proud to present our magazine
                                                                to you with interesting topics and guests, as in every
                                                                issue. In our eagerly followed magazine, many of our
                                                                contents, from health to life, from culture to tourism,
                                                                from literature to art, have been prepared for you. Our
                                                                magazine contains exclusive interviews of people you
                                                                follow with interest.

                                                                We believe that you will find different content that
                                                                interests you in our magazine, which aims to appeal
                                                                to all ages and audiences. We hope that you will enjoy
                                                                both reading the interviews and remarkable content
                                                                on the subjects that our team worked meticulously on,
                                                                and watching the relevant videos.

                                                                19 Mayıs district, one of the most important tourism
                                                                spots of Samsun and attracting attention with its
                                                                natural beauties, is also included as a special section in
                                                                this issue of our magazine. The 19 Mayıs district, which
           Mustafa DEMİR                                        you will admire, promises you a pleasant trip. We are
           Mayor of Samsun Metropolitan Municipality            waiting for you to discover the 19 Mayıs district.

                                                                We thank you for your interest in our magazine and
                                                                would like to give you the good news that you can now
                                                                read Samsun E-Magazine in English.

                                                                Hoping to meet again in our next issue…

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