Page 7 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 7

As the daughter of a              that if I want to study abroad,   wanted to share with
           military father, what is the      I can keep my GPA high by         everyone. I had a worldview
           place of discipline in your       working disciplinedly, so I       that I wanted to share with
           life?                             could get a scholarship. And I    everyone, I felt like I would        Samsun E-Magazine
                                             did, in fact. I went to the USA   die if I couldn't! I had to
           I learned that there is           with Fulbright.                   write to live. Being a writer
           a science called “time                                              first requires a cause. If you
           management”. In this science,     We know that writing,             have a cause at school, at
           it is not enough to "do your      being a writer requires a lot     home, in art, in literature, go
           best"; you are responsible        of labor. How does writing        ahead and write about it. The
           for doing and completing          make you feel? What               second necessity is discipline.
           "what needs to be done."          advice would you give to          The day you can write 15
           For example, in a battle, you     young people who want to          pages without getting up
           can't just say "I've done my      become writers?                   from the table, you've got the
           best, we can't win" and sit                                         makings of a writer now.
           on the sidelines. Similarly,      Uh... But there is no
           as another example, the last      profession that doesn't           What can young people
           soldier to leave the building     require labor! Some maybe         do to improve their
           is responsible for turning        a little more than others, but    vocabulary? What do you
           off the light in the barracks,    absolutely all professions        think is the importance of
           he cannot leave without           require labor. There was          having a rich vocabulary?
           turning it off. The fact that     something about me that I
           you don't know that you                                             You know that passion I call
           are the last one to leave is                                        "the cause"; you have shared
           no excuse, you are also                                                that passion with millions
           obliged to look around.                                                    of people all over the
           In short, I realized        I had a worldview that                           world.  Some have
           that if I learned                                                               told it, some have
           and practiced, I            I wanted to share with                               sung it, some
           could make the          everyone, I felt like I would                              have written it.
           most of every                                                                       Look at what
           day I lived                       die if I couldn't!”                                words they
           and achieve                                                                          have used
           almost                                                                               over the
           anything I                                                                           centuries.
           set my mind                                                                          This is how
           to. I realized                                                                       vocabulary

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