Page 6 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 6

Alev Alatlı                                                          We had an exclusive interview
       One Who Doesn't Know World Becomes Laughing Stock of World
                                                                                with Alev Alatlı, author,
                                                                                educator and Chairman
           One Who                                                              of the Board of Trustees

                                                                                of Kapadokya University,
           Doesn't                                                              for the readers of Samsun
                                                                                E-Magazine. We got her views
                                                                                on many topics from the
           Know World                                                           place of discipline in her life

                                                                                to advice for young people

           Becomes                                                              who want to become writers.

                                                                                Stating that being a writer
           Laughing                                                             requires a cause, Alatlı
                                                                                inspires us by saying, "If you
                                                                                have a cause at school, at
           Stock of                                                             home, in art and literature,

                                                                                go ahead and write."
           World                                                                If you are curious about

                                                                                the details of this enjoyable
                                                                                interview, you can take a
                                                                                look at our article. We hope
                                                                                that each sentence of the

                                                                                interview will inspire you

                                                                                        I had to


                                                                                         to live.

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