Page 10 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 10

Our Projects: Rasathane Book Cafe     Rasathane
                           Our Projects:

               Book Cafe

                                                   Project that Suits Rasathane:  As Samsun Metropolitan
           Project that                            Municipality, we signed a social and cultural touch in

                                                   Rasathane, one of the long-established neighborhoods of
           Suits Rasathane                         our city. We completed our Rasathane Book Cafe project
                                                   in a short time and put it at the service of our citizens. We
                                                   completed our Rasathane Book Cafe project in a short
                                                   time and put it at the service of our citizens.

            Book Cafe           Bakery Products

                                         416 m  2                                          170 m
                                         Construction Area                                 Building Floor Area
   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15