Page 21 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 21

Can you tell us about your        should be sure about               and hard work. In addition,
           students and the flight           whether they really want           it is necessary to have an
           courses you have taught to        this profession or not. All the    orderly life. Keeping physical
           your students? How many           rules of the pilot profession      and mental health at the            Samsun E-Magazine
           aviators have you trained         are written in blood. It should    highest level through health,
           so far?                           not be forgotten that it is        sleep patterns and good
                                             a profession that requires         nutrition is a must for this
           As Samsun University              utmost seriousness, caution,       profession. This profession
           Flight Academy, we provide        discipline and hard work.          requires a body, mind and
           theoretical and practical flight   If there are those who are        spirit that is ready to fly at
           training to those who meet        interested and if our young        any time and at any hour. As
           the conditions determined         people are willing and able        a pilot, I don't think there are
           by the DGCA (Directorate          to educate and develop             any cons. The only thing in
           General of Civil Aviation)        themselves, regardless of          this profession is discipline
           and whose applications are        male or female, they can           and hard work. Anyone who
           accepted to train them as         enter this profession without      is healthy and can adapt
           pilots for airline companies.     hesitation. Accordingly, our       these requirements of the
           After completing their            young people can receive           profession to their lives can
           education and training, our       pilot education if they see the    do this profession.
           students can apply to all         pilot profession as a job that
           airline companies with the        they are interested in and         How does it feel to be in
           title of "Pilot" by obtaining     have skills in.                    the sky? What would you
           their flight licenses issued                                         like to say for those who
           by DGCA. I have trained           What do you think are              have never flown, who
           hundreds of pilots so far, I      the pros and cons of your          have never experienced
           can't remember the exact          profession?                        this feeling?
           number right now.
                                             As I said before; Piloting is      I would like to say that
                                             a profession that requires         piloting is never a profession
                                             extreme attention, discipline      to be done with the idea that
             It is an extremely
            critical occupation,

            requiring attention,

            discipline and hard

           Many young people dream
           of becoming a pilot. Do you
           have any advice for them?

           I would like to point out that
           all our young people who
           want to increase productivity
           and be not only consumers
           but also qualified producers
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