Page 23 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 23

female pilot in Samsun,           pursue their careers. At           Lastly, what would you like
           what message would you            that moment when you are           to say to the readers of
           like to convey to your            wondering which way to             Samsun E-Magazine?
           fellow citizens through           run, run after your career.                                            Samsun E-Magazine
           Samsun E-Magazine?                Because your career will not       I wish everyone good health
                                             wake up one morning and            and success in their chosen
           Some women pursue their           tell you that it no longer loves   professions.
           ambitions, some women             you and will not leave you
                                             unless you want it to.

                                                                                  I know very well

                                                                                    that becoming

                                                                                      a pilot is all
                                                                                  about believing,

                                                                                    working hard

                                                                                         and not
                                                                                       giving up.

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