Page 28 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 28

I Want King Shakir to Open Up to the World  there was no local animation   night, read his books, watch   Disney Plus. Disney Plus is
           studio that made cartoon
                                             him at the cinema and use
                                                                                actually an animation giant
                                             his products. King Shakir has
                                                                                broadcasting organization in
           characters in our style,
                                             truly become a brand loved
                                                                                the world. For the first time, a
           with both humor and more
                                             by children, an object of love.
           cartoonish characters. That's
                                                                                local cartoon was taken as an
                                                                                original movie on Disney Plus.
           why we could guess that
                                             What would you like to say
           our sense of humor also
                                                                                This is probably a very special
                                                                                and unique situation in the
           matched Cartoon Network's
                                             about the last movie, “King
           understanding. They actually
                                                                                Plus published King Shakir:
                                             of feedback do you get?
           chose us. Thus, King Shakir
                                                                                Recycle in 150 countries and
           adventure started in May          Shakir: Recycle”? What kind        world in this sense. Disney
           2016. In fact, the first 3        We prepared the movie              translated it into nearly 60
           episodes we made were             “King Shakir: Recycle” during      different languages. This is
           shown at a cinema premiere        the pandemic period. Since         actually a great success for
           by Cartoon Network.               cinemas were in bad shape          Türkiye.
           Celebrities and their children    due to the pandemic, we
           were invited. There were also     released it as an original         The subject was also very
           children from different walks                         movie on       nice. As its name suggests,
           of life there. At the premiere,                                      “King Shakir: Recycle” was
           I chatted with the mother                                            a film that warns about the
           of a hyperactive child:          The movie "King                     environmental disasters
           “When I took my child to         Shakir: Recycle"                    the world is currently
           the cinema, he would             was broadcast in
           usually stay there for          150 countries and
           5-10 minutes and then             translated into
           leave. "He watched
           these 3 episodes of King       nearly 60 different
           Shakir until the end," she           languages.
           said. I'm happy for that.

           I thought that King Shakir
           would have an impact in this
           sense, that is, on children
           with various disorders. Many
           families with autistic children
           say that their children are
           very interested in King Shakir
           and that they sleep with him
           and wake up with him. This
           is a very interesting situation
           indeed. King Shakir has a
           great influence on children.
           I always say this: "Once
           they watch King Shakir, they
           really become addicted to
           King Shakir." They watch his
     28    cartoons from morning to
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