Page 33 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 33
almost every interview. So, There are some very good award to you?
what do you pay attention jokes in the episodes.
to when creating content? I already knew that my
Apart from this, we may work is loved by the public. Samsun E-Magazine
We are doing really consider releasing an This is not just my personal
meticulous works. When album with hit songs from prediction, we also had
we started with King Shakir, King Shakir's TV series' research done by certain
our first job was to create soundtracks. My biggest research companies on this
a style guide. We currently dream about this is to give subject. As a result of the
have nearly 30 style guides a hologram concert. We can research, it turned out that
-there may even be more-. organize a really interesting we are Türkiye's number 1
In this guide, we have very concert in which parents will children and family brand.
important and meticulous also participate. Apart from Especially King Shakir... I have
studies such as the this, we are even thinking of been working on this for
appearance and movements working with a philharmonic years, it has been my passion
of all King Shakir's characters orchestra, let me tell you since my childhood. It was
from different angles. When the surprise of this. King my dream to make such a
a licensed product related Shakir will have very different cartoon when I grew up. In
to King Shakir comes out, contents in this sense. this sense, I think I produced
we give the style guide to very good works with my
those companies. This is What would you like to team. We have already
so important for us. We say about animation received this award from our
also work very meticulously technology in Türkiye? people.
on creating stories and
characters. In fact, technically speaking, Our book has been sold
animation technology has more than 10 million copies.
We attach great importance improved a lot in Türkiye. Such a love of books is
to visual quality in King Türkiye has very developed unprecedented in Türkiye.
Shakir's content. This is one manpower in this regard. Children pose with the book,
of the parts I care about In Türkiye, the budgets of take photos and post them
most. In this sense, I think I cinemas, TV series and films on their social media. Kids
have created very beautiful are not as sufficient as those used to do this with their
characters that can compete abroad. If we had the same bikes, but now they do it
with the world and are truly budgets and could sell the with King Shakir's book. In
my trademarks. These are productions to the world, we this sense, we are a brand
stylized, cute characters that could actually produce works that can be considered the
even children of the world of the same quality, perhaps pride of Türkiye. King Shakir
can instantly love and raise even superior to them. It is is now open to the world.
awareness about. Visual possible to create stories with An important brand born in
quality is very important. The our culture and our humor. Türkiye.
characters need to be drawn I can say this with certainty.
really well. We are truly We were rewarded by the
superior in terms of visual In 2022, you won the Turkish people for our
quality. We create characters "Turkish Presidential success. But of course, I was
that will raise awareness. Culture and Arts Grand honored that our success was
Our subjects and scripts are Prize". What is the meaning seen by our state and that I
written really meticulously. and importance of this was given this award. 33